G-20 to boost growth as stimulus is withdrawn
According to the new draft communique of the G20 meet, the governments will take "concrete actions" to bolster growth in the global economy while moving towards withdrawal of stimulus and normalisation of economies.
"We commit to developing new measures to significantly raise global growth, while maintaining fiscal sustainability. We recognize accommodative monetary policy settings in advanced economies will need to normalize in due course, in line with stronger growth," read the draft for the meeting of G-20 finance ministers and central bankers in Sydney.
The leaders are expected to discuss global growth, investment, financial regulation or cooperation in cross-border taxation and achieve major policy breakthroughs on these matters. The leaders will also focus on slowdown in China's economic growth and the selloff in emerging bond currency and stock markets as the US central bank began its rollback of the stimulus package.
Representatives from the emerging nations are expected to demand clarity from the United States, according to some officials. The final communiqué is expected to address the issue. Leaders from the Group of 20 leading economies or the G20 are planning to access the impact of the U. S. monetary policy on emerging markets in a document from their meeting this week in Sydney in Australia.