Freedom of Information Act goes online in Chicago

Freedom of Information Act goes online in ChicagoMayor Richard Daley said on Thursday that anyone filing Freedom of Information Act requests with the city of Chicago will now find their names on the city's Web site.

He's just trying to be totally transparent, not get back at nosy news reporters, who now may find competitors privy to what story leads they are investigating, the mayor has said.

The Chicago Sun-Times has reported that along with the filer's name and organization, the city Web site will show what documents are being sought, the date they were requested and when they are due to be released.

While a new state law says city departments must keep a log of FOI requests, it doesn't mandate posting it on the Internet.

He's going "above and beyond what's required" to facilitate "transparency, openness and the free-flow of information," Daley further said.

He also said, "If you want transparency in government, you have to have this. I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with [getting even with] the Sun-Times, Tribune, media or anything. This is what you want." (With Inputs from Agencies)