France to impose carbon tax in 2010
Paris - The French government plans to tax households and companies 14 euros (20 dollars) for every ton of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere, Prime Minister Francois Fillon said in an interview to be published Saturday by Le Figaro magazine.
The amount is substantially less than the 32 euros per ton recommended by a bipartisan commission headed by former prime minister Michel Rocard.
In addition, carbon dioxide related to the production of electricity will not be included in the proposed law.
The so-called carbon tax has sparked a lively controversy in France, with politicians from both the left and the right complaining that it would have a negative impact on purchasing power and profitability.
But Fillon said that the tax was not an additional burden for firms but merely a "transfer of taxes" that would be compensated by the suppression of other fiscal impositions. (dpa)