Fosters reports a disappointing first half

Foster's-Group-LogoFoster's Group Ltd., Australia's largest alcohol vendor, reported a decrease of 13.5% in the net income for the first six months of fiscal 2009-10 ending December 2009.

Fosters released its results on Tuesday. Foster's net income for the first six months to December 31 was posted A$355.7 million, while net profit was reported A$411.4 million for the same period last year.

The net income in the first half fell short of analysts' expectations as they were expecting the net income of A$391.4 million for the first half of the fiscal. Revenue for the period was posted $2.39 billion deceasing by 4.7% from A$2.41 billion last year.

In the first half the net sales of wine were reported declined in every region and that resulted for a decline of 14% in earnings before interest, tax and SGARA in wine division. Though, the management of the company had already warned that its wine division was underperforming because of the unfavorable currency moves and the declining demand mainly due to the U. S. recession.

The company has a total loss of A$83 million in earnings in the wine division as the Australian dollar got stronger in the first half of the fiscal. However, the company announced an interim dividend of 12 cents per share for the first half of the year.