Factional killings continue unabated in Nagaland


Kohima, May 6 (ANI): Dimapur, the commercial capital of Nagaland,
has become a killing field of sorts on account of the factional
killings which continues unabated.

In the last 48 hours, six people have been killed, including a student.

The bullet riddled body of the student of the Patkai Christian
College, Dimapur, who hailed from Manipur’s Ukhrul District was
recovered by police from the Ghorapatty area of the town.

Dimapur and its surrounding areas are dominated by the Sumi Tribe
which happens to be the backbone of National Socialist Council of
Nagaland (NSCN-Unification).

On Sunday, two Unification cadres were killed by its rival Isak
Muivah (IM) group at Merapani, a disputed area on the Assam-Nagaland

The Unification group took a decision on May 4 to go against the
Tangkhuls under the command of V Tuccu, Akato Chophy and Keyakhu. The
NSCN (U) is determined to have an upper hand in NSCN (IM) dominated
Tangkhuls from Ukhrul District.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the NSCN (IM) said the killings in
Dimapur were the beginning of an ethnic cleansing operation launched by
the Unification group. (ANI)
