Experts raise Concerns over Dangers of buying Human Breast Milk Online
Experts have warned that buying breast milk puts health of babies at risk. Many studies have already highlighted benefits of breast milk. But as many mothers struggle to breastfeed their babies, they resort to purchase of human breast milk on the internet. The market of online breast milk has seen immense growth in recent years.
The price of online breast milk is cheaper than buying from regulated milk banks. The experts explained that milk should be tested for diseases, like hepatitis B and C, HIV and human T cell lymphotropic virus and syphilis.
Bacterial growth was previously shown by a study in the milk purchased online because of lack of pasteurization and poor shipping and storage. Only nine out of 101 samples were free from bacterial growth.
About 25% of milk samples were delivered with poor packaging. It was also found that those samples were no longer frozen, and were contaminated with drugs and other substances.
"Other studies identified occasional contamination with bisphenol A and illicit drugs and tampering, including the addition of cow's milk or water to increase volume. Such contamination cannot easily be detected before infant feeding", said the experts.
The experts have called for training of healthcare workers on the online market so they can give proper advices to new mothers.
It's not only new mothers who purchase breast milk for their babies, but gym enthusiasts and cancer patients too, as they believe that it is beneficial for muscle-building and the immune system. The experts said that there is a dire need to take urgent action to make this market safer, as milk bought online is exposing infants and other consumers to microbiological and chemical agents.