Establishing A Personal Brand Key For Industrialists
During his session on personal branding at TES 2010, Mr. Anand Pillai, head of talent transformation at HCL Technologies stated, "God has made each of us a first class original. Do not die a second grade copy. We live in the age of minor differences. The difference between company A and company B is minor."
"You have to create differentiation as a person, as a company," Mr. Pillai, Senior Vice President and Head of Talent Transformation at HCL Technologies.
As an industrialist, it turns even more significant to set up a personal brand.
Unlike an executive in a company, a capitalist has a wide range of individuals to influence: his group, clients, potential investors, and stockholders. Without a distinguishing attendance, a capitalist could find it hard to make an impact.
So how is this personal brand or your identity? Anand gave the viewers some tips to set them thinking.
"Your identity is defined by what you are going to be remembered for, when you are long gone," he said. It's not about the situation you are in, it's about the approach you have towards that situation that will stay in people's minds. For instance, we remember Mahatma Gandhi for the approach he took to handle the British rule.
Mr Pillai discussed about producing a personal leadership brand, which he says is a simple statement of who you are. This means that you should be aware of your strengths and weaknesses, passion, drivers, etc.
The idea is to create a positive brand. For that, it is critical for you to have pride in yourself. "People who are negative about themselves will not create a positive brand," said Mr Pillai.
He also urged the audience to think over some queries. Which of his intensities are apparent when he lead? Which powers influence and motivate others? Which strong points does he want to leverage more?
So how does one set up his personal identity?
He said that it is important to study the business to map passion. This means revealing the unmet requirements and regions of displeasure of the clients.
After that, you must join the dots using your zeal.
Then you turn into your own opponent and generate a big entry wall for others to track.
The one thing people tend to do is to move away from things they hate.
Mr Pillai said, as a substitute you must shift towards what you are good at, rather than running away from what you consider not good or right. Set yourself a target you can be passionate about.
Do not network for doing so. Spens lots of time with people who can offer you different viewpoints on how to deal with gaps you have distinguished. Develop relationships with real value creators.