Don’t save money, save health

DietModern life always keeps a person in a hurry. This hurry is forcing the young generation to change their food structure and habits. Now days people especially youngsters are very much attracted towards the junk foods like pizza, burger, French fries, two minute noodles and baked beans.

By consuming large quantity of these kind of junk food they are risking their life, says an Australian study.

The experiment carried out by Dr Danielle Gallegos and Kai Wen Ong found that learners who were overlooking their food habits to save money were at higher probability of budding chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease.

The food habits of 811 number of students of Brisbane-based university were analyzed and the consequences had confirmed that 1 in 4 had practiced 'food insecurity', with 2/3 consuming less than twice supply of fruit in a week and 6 % have said that they were repetitively hungry.

It has been also found that the weekly household income of ½ of the students is $600 excluding tax. So now scientists have suggested the youth to take care of their health rather going for wealth.