Dell’s Streak tablet with O2

Dell’s Streak tablet with O2The latest offering in tablet division from Dell comes in the form of Streak that has landed in the safe hands of O2 network.

This Android based tablet will be featured in the market in the coming month and will see itself in Europe and then in US markets.

This tablet was first showcased at the Consumer Electronics Show in January. It has 5 inch touch screen and resembles a bigger form of iPhone. It is loaded with 1GHz Snapdragon, a 5 megapixel camera, 16GB of built-in memory (expandable to 48GB via MicroSD) and a customized UI.

The company claims that the five inched screen is low on pixel-per inch count when compared to any other Android smartphones.

However it seems that O2 is likely to offer discounts for the tablet device making it an overpriced luxury item for the users.

It was also stated by a spokesperson form Dell that the device shares many components of a smartphone therefore it won't have a varied price when compared to a smartphone. Now, it is upto the facts that will reveal the lurking truth behind.