Cosmonauts Clean Windows of ISS during A Spacewalk

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) revealed that two cosmonauts on theInternational Space Station (ISS) have started their working week. According to the United States space agency, theRussian cosmonauts cleaned the window of the space station on Monday.

During a spacewalk of about six hours, the pair of cosmonauts, which includes Station commander Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Kornienko, flight engineer, installed new tools. Adding to that, the cosmonauts carried out some maintenance tasks. After that, they cleaned portable windows of the space station.

Before the six-hour spacewalk,in a video released by the space agency, Devan Bolch, spacewalk specialist, said, “They developed a cleaning tool kit with two swabs with handles on them. The swabs are kind of a type of terry cloth.It's kind of similar to what you would use on your car headlights, when they get hazy, to clean them”.

As per the NASA, the latest spacewalk was the 188th outside the ISS. It wasStation Commander Gennady Padalka’s tenth ISS spacewalk; he is the most experienced spacewalker on the ISS. It was second time when the othercosmonaut, Kornienko, embarked on a spacewalk.

The cosmonauts started their spacewalk around10:20 am. When Padalka and Kornienko were spacewalking, NASA’s Scott Kelly and Kjell Lindgren were monitoring the spacewalk. They were sampling the space agency’s space-grown produce. They were helped by Kimiya Yui ofthe Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

During the spacewalk, the cosmonauts grabbed panoramic shots of the planet and spent some moments to identify Australia.