China, US blocking India''s way to Security Council

China, US blocking India''s way to Security CouncilNew Delhi, Mar 29 : The display of naval prowess off the Somali coast by Beijing, a full throttle attempt at the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) to stop India in acquiring nuclear status or dangerously increasing its presence in the neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan.

China is consistently giving a tough chase to policymakers in New Delhi and is trying to out shadow India on every front and every sphere at the regional and global stage.

Although the world perceives this tug of war as a race between two emerging Asian giants to acquire domination, an insight into this rat race clearly reflects asymmetry.

According to highly placed sources in the Ministry of External Affairs, Beijing has upped its efforts and is employing backdoor diplomacy to stop the expansion of the United Security Council to remain the sole Asian representative in this all powerful club.

China is skeptical of India''s entry into the Security Council because of myriad reasons. Mandarins in Beijing strongly believe Japan is on a better wicket and has more chances of getting into the club in comparison to India due to its economic clout and widespread support from international community including of the United States.

Interestingly shapers of Indian diplomacy are leaving no chance to gloat about the advancing relationship between India and United States vis-a-vis the Indo-US nuclear deal.

In practice, and on the face, US ambiguity in supporting India''s bid, Beijing has overtly supported India''s aspiration for a seat at the Security Council.

However there is big difference in Beijng stand and practice, while it make no qualms in backing India''s claim for a permanent seat in the Security Council on the diplomatic face.

At the same time behind the scenes Beijing has developed a coffee club which includes nations like Pakistan, S. Korea, Malaysia and African countries which are trying to obstruct the expansion of the Security Council and creating hurdles in the inclusion of G4 (Germany, India, Japan, Brazil) into the grouping.

China watchers both inside and outside the government believes that Beijing is supporting democratization of the Security Council, but is ostensibly stalling the agenda of expanding the Security Council by asking UN to include the countries of African origin.

However, Beijing realizes and recognizes India''s rising stature both in terms of economy and also defense and it firmly believes that it cannot stop India from becoming a member of the Security Council.

Indian policymakers believes that China is reconciling with the facts and there is a marked change in its stand which is reflected on the statements made by Beijing from 2005 to 2008 vis-a-vis India''s claim of achieving the status of permanent membership.

The way India has displayed raft and imaginative diplomacy in making the Indo-US nuclear deal possible; the same kind of smart diplomacy and deftness is required to enter the Security Council club.

The dynamics are changing in the wake of global recession, the power is certainly shifting from west to east, and the economic issues are subsiding emotional and ideological ones.

US, which has found new convergence in its relations with his not so old adversary China especially after the change of guard in Washington needs Beijing''s support to end the economic morass, in the long term US also needs New Delhi for hedging Beijing strategically.

The challenge of economic crisis is providing opportunity for New Delhi to change equations with its East Asian Giant, which is facing its biggest challenge after Tinamen in the face of economic meltdown.

India should take advantage of its huge markets, which has, potential of reviving great economies and this message should be conveyed to Hu Jintao by Prime Minister on the sidelines of G 20.

After all India should take courage from the fact that it is under Beijing ''s pressure that Islamabad has accepted that Mumbai Attacks are planned out from its soil. (ANI)
