Cherie reveals Tony Blair’s heart sank at George Bush’s election win

London, May 14  In more exclusive extracts from her memoirs, ‘Speaking For Myself,’ Cherie Blair has revealed that the Blairs’ hearts sank when they learnt that George Bush’s victory over Al Gore in 2000 had been ratified and that he was to become President of the United States.

In the book, that reveals remarkable confessions and glimpses into the lives of world leaders, Cherie explains how she and her husband watched Bush on television and felt he didn’t seem comfortable with foreign affairs.

However, Tony was determined to have a strong relationship with the Republican President.

The couple had initial qualms about Bush’s political leanings but she and her husband learnt to appreciate ‘a very funny, charming man with a quirky sense of humour’.

Cherie has described Bush’s tendency to ‘talk Texan’ – a trait that he himself has blamed for his bad press – but goes farther, comparing him with Bill Clinton, who is also from the South.

“Clinton may talk Southern, [but] he doesn’t think Southern, whereas Bush thinks Texan,” Times Online quoted her as saying. (ANI)
