Chemical composition of 36 smartphones analyzed by iFixit

Chemical composition of 36 smartphones analyzed by iFixitAfter its dissection of 36 smartphones for analyzing their chemical composition, iFixit recently released information pertaining to the chemical structure of the handsets, which also included Apple's new iPhone 5.

The rundown of the handsets was carried out by iFixit in collaboration with Healthystuff. org; and the chemical composition of the dissected handsets was analyzed with the help of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.

Noting that the messy insides of the smartphones remain well masked behind their sleek aluminum, plastic, and glass exterior which appear to be free of harmful components, iFixit's Kyle Wiens said in an official blog post that "toxic chemicals also lurk behind your phone's smooth face and behind your computer's keyboard."

On the basis of the dissection of the 36 smartphones, the handsets were categorized on the presence of hazardous chemicals and heavy metals, including lead, mercury, PVC, bromine, tin, calcium, and chromium.

Upon the completion of the overall analysis, it was found that only six handsets - the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, LG Remarq, Motorola Citrus, and Samsung Captivate and Evergreen - fell in the "low concern" range with regard to presence of hazardous chemicals.

As many as 24 of the analyzed devices - including iPhone 4, iPhone 3G, Galaxy S III, Motorola Droid X, HTC Evo 4G, and BlackBerry Bold 9000, among others - had a "medium concern" level; while six handsets, which iFixit revealed had all been produced and launched before 2010, fell in the "high concern" range so far as presence of dangerous chemicals is concerned.