Centre was advised in July 2010 to scrap Antrix-Devas deal
The advice was given to the government way back in 2010 that they should terminate the agreement between Antrix Corporation Ltd and Devas Multimedia Private Ltd, for a possible deal at that time. This was urgent considering the fact that the deal would have allowed them to get a lifetime lease of 90 per cent in the S-band to the companies.
A source placed at the law ministry has said that they had advised the government to get the annulled for the deal from the Department of Space. Additional Solicitor General said that it is always advisable for the Department of Space to hold something rather than taking a decision to terminate the agreement altogether.
In his opinion it was also noted that after the deal was signed, the government realized that only one company, Antrix is going to take away major share of the S-band spectrum because of the agreement. It further stated that having S-band is very crucial for several strategic as well as societal services. It is also important for the Ministry of Defence and Integrated Space Cell.