India Business

Govt Assigns Sector-Specific Package For Exporters, Says Kamal Nath

Kamal NathThe Commerce and Industry Minister, Kamal Nath has announced that the government is ready to offer a sector-specific package for tax and levy reimbursement to exporters hit by admiration in the rupee value.

Preserving his assurance that India will attain export objective of $160 billion in the existing fiscal (2007-08) even with currency related worries, Nath told that his department is making a Cabinet note for increasing refunds coverage to exporters.

October’s Crucial Events May Have Major Impact On Stock Markets - Brokers viewpoint

Bhupendra Sharma, vice president, Hornic Investments, has spoken up that the stock market traded down for the entire week.

Kotak Life Insurance Draws Expansion Plan For Kerala

NALCO Intends To Set Up A Plant In South Africa

Subbarami_ReddyThe National Aluminum Company Ltd (NALCO) is intending to set up a 0.5 million ton capacity aluminum plant in South Africa. The new plant would use local mineral resources as its raw material.

During his visit to South Africa earlier this week, the Indian Minister of State for Mines, Subbarami Reddy, had the preliminary discussions on the plan with the the Head of Mining and Steel Ministry of South Africa, Sandile Nogxina.

Reddy, who was with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh during his visit to Nigeria and South Africa, revealed NALCO’s intent on establishing the plant to Nogxina.

SEBI May Offer 18 Months More To FIIs To Pare P-Notes

P_ChidambaramNew Delhi: The Finance Minister, P.

Moser Baer To Raise $100 Mn Via Private Equity For Photo Voltaic Arm

Moser_BaerNew Delhi: Moser Baer is ready to raise 100 million dollars for its photo voltaic arm thr
