British Premier Brown applauds China on Olympics

Beijing - Prime Minister Gordon Brown met with Chinese President Hu Jintao Friday, telling China's leader that the Beijing Olympics were a "spectacular success" and that London would try to follow the new standard set by Beijing when it is host to the Games in 2012, Chinese state media reported.

"With the whole world watching, the Beijing Olympic Games have captured the imagination of the whole global community," said Brown, according to Xinhua news agency.

China is ready to share its experiences of hosting the Olympics, said Hu.

Brown will attend the Games closing ceremony on Sunday during which the Olympic flag will be formally handed over by China to Britain. London is hosting the 2012 Olympics.

During the meeting Hu thanked Brown for his gesture of support for the Beijing Games by greeting the Olympic flame at his residence at No 10 Downing Street when it was relayed to London in April.

"When the torch of the Beijing Games ran in London you personally welcomed it and also expressed support for Beijing for which we would like to express our appreciation and gratitude," said Hu.

The London leg of the global Olympic torch relay was marred by clashes on the streets between police and pro-Tibetan protesters.

During the talks, Brown said that he had urged a "productive" conclusion to talks with envoys of the Dalai Lama in the fall over greater autonomy for Tibet.

"I think there is more common ground between the Chinese authorities and Tibet than is sometimes realised," said Brown. (dpa)
