British government confirms talks with Nigeria on oil supplies

British government confirms talks with Nigeria on oil suppliesLondon - The British government confirmed Friday that Prime Minister Gordon Brown would discuss ways of securing oil supplies from Nigeria when President Umara Yar'Adua visits London next week.

Brown announced at the Group of Eight (G8) meeting this week that Britain would offer assistance to help deal with the "lawlessness" that has disrupted oil supplies from the Niger Delta.

"We stand ready to give help to the Nigerians to deal with lawlessness that exists in this area and to achieve the levels of production that Nigeria is capable of but, because of the law and order problems, has not been able to achieve," Brown said in Japan Wednesday.

His comments have sparked criticism in Britain that Britain was "preparing for a military adventure" in Africa by offering to help the Nigerian security forces to take on militants operating in the troubled Niger Delta region.

Brown's spokesman said Friday the issue would be discussed at the meeting between the two leaders next week.

Asked whether British assistance could stretch to military support, the spokesman said: "We already provide some military training to Nigeria. ... The focus of our assistance to Nigeria is on training."

Britain's Independent newspaper reported Friday that the main militant group in the Delta, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) had warned Brown against interfering with its struggle against the "criminal" government of Nigeria.

"Should Gordon Brown make good his threat to support this criminality for the sake of oil, UK citizens and interests in Nigeria will suffer the consequences," a MEND spokesman was quoted as saying.

Average daily production of oil in the Niger Delta has fallen to 1.8 million barrels this year, compared to 2.6 million in 2005, largely because of a campaign of kidnaps and attacks on installations by militants seeking a greater share of revenues for local people. (dpa)

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