Breast Biopsy is Best Option for Diagnosing Cancer, still Women should Obtain Second Opinion

It seems that a breast biopsy has become a protocol whenever screening tests indicates towards the present of lump or any other signs hinting cancer. In fact, more number of women is advised to undergo biopsies due better breast cancer screening tools.

Now, it is being said that the procedure can leave a room for doubt. In biopsy, a sample tissue is taken and sent for analysis to the research lab. The specialists then find out the presence of abnormal cells in the sample or the tissue is benign.

A research by University of Washington involved more than 100 pathologists in the United States. Lead researcher Joann Elmore said that only a few of them were able to assess more than 230 tissue samples for biopsy.

The pathologists who took part in the study assessed the specimens. In the second round, these specimens were sent to nation’s top three experts. When the analysis was done of the findings, the researchers found many differences.

The researchers came to know that the chance of a pathologist to accurately determine the presence or absence of abnormal cells is just 50%. In the experiment, some pathologists have incorrectly considered 13% of the samples abnormal.

In fact, many scientists also struggled to find out ductal cancer in situ, which is cancer is breast ducts. In it, 3% were believed to invasive and 13% of the tissues were believed to less serious.

The study is of great importance as more than 1 million women under breast biopsies every year. Such procedures can turn out be life saving ones that can help save a life by identifying the cancer in its initial stage.

The researchers said that biopsies remain the best option for diagnosing breast cancer. But they also encourage women to take a second opinion.