Botham to keep marching on until childhood leukaemia is defeated

Botham to keep marching on until childhood leukaemia is defeatedLondon, Nov 11 : England cricket legend Ian Botham has said that he will not stop walking for charity until childhood leukaemia is defeated.

Botham will march through the pain and the blisters for the 13th time next April on a 10-town tour of Britain.

He has raised 10 million pounds since his first walk 25 years ago and this time wants the public to get sponsors and join him at certain points along the way.

Botham’s ‘Great Forget Me Not Walk’ marks the 25th anniversary of his first walk.

“My walk in 2010 will be extra special for me. I never forget why I put myself through the pain and blisters. I won’t stop until we beat childhood leukaemia. We’re up to about 90 per cent survival now and that’s remarkable,” he said.

The Sun reports that when Botham set off on his first walk in 1985, only 20 per cent of children with leukaemia survived. Today the survival rate is 90 per cent.

“I won’t stop until we beat childhood leukaemia. We’re up to about 90 per cent survival now and that’s remarkable,” Botham said. (ANI)