Book claims sex addiction sessions could save Berlusconi’s marriage

Silvio BerlusconiLondon, Aug 27 : The marriage and political career of Silvio Berlusconi could be saved by sex addiction therapy, according to an updated biography of Veronica Lario, the Italian Prime Minister's estranged wife.

The explosive tome, by Maria Latella, an Italian journalist who has known Lario for 18 years, appeared in Italian bookshops yesterday.

In Tendenza Veronica, or The Veronica Trend, Lario, the former actress, tells her side of the story. It is based on interviews with the prime minister's wife of 19 years.

Latella has used a foreword in the paperback version of her biography of Lario to reveal that members of Berlusconi's entourage members have urged him to enter a sex addiction clinic as part of a process of reconciliation, reports The Times.

Since attending the 18th birthday party of Noemi Letizia, an aspiring model, in April, the 72-year-old billionaire's personal life has become the focus of a long-running scandal.

After the birthday news broke, Lario demanded a divorce.

Also, Patrizia D'Addario, a Bari prostitute, has claimed that she spent a night at Berlusconi's Rome residence last November - which he has denied. (ANI)