Bobby Jindal criticizes Obama’s leadership
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal, the country’s first elected Indian-American governor, criticized Barack Obama’s leadership and said that the leader ‘has started to redefine the American Dream, turning it into the European nightmare’.
He said that they will take final decision in June, after the end of legislative session in Louisiana. Many in Louisiana who are worried that bill could lead to a criticism in opposition to the state like what happened in Arkansas and Indiana this year. He is looking forward to run for president in 2016.
Jindal or any other Republican could face difficulties when it comes to the fight for Iowa’s social conservatives. Jindal has not stepped on the national stage for the first time. He was born after his parents moved from India and settled in the US. On Monday, he took a big step in the direction of a presidential bid.
He said in op-ed article for The New York Times that Hollywood and the media are hostile to Christian values. The Louisiana Democratic Party’s executive director Stephen Handwerk said in a statement, “Gov. Jindal’s stunt today once again underlines his disregard for Louisiana families, his disdain for the state legislature and his apparent contempt for the state’s tourism industry — the only segment of our economy his failed policies haven’t crippled”.
Jindal outlined the matter as a competition between Americans and the federal government in Washington. He said that it’s not productive to think about supposed questions regarding foreign policy. He however, completely defended the Bush administration’s decision to attack Iraq in 2003.
In a television ad, Jindal is being shown as a conservative Republican’s leading voice in the fight over religious freedom. Jindal defended himself after the cable network, which was threatened of boycott, made announcement regarding suspending Robertson.