Beijing HIV/AIDS Cases On Rise

A health functionary stated that the Beijing municipal administration recorded 563 new HIV/AIDS cases in the first six months of 2007, which is 50% up from the corresponding period of the last year.

Zhao Tao, head of the disease control and prevention section of the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, said among the new cases were 11 aliens, 120 Beijing occupants and 432 migrant Chinese from outside the city.

Mr. Zhao added that most of the new cases were young and adult people, and men exceeded women. The city had filed 4,253 HIV/AIDS cases since 1985 by June, comprising 164 aliens and 885 Beijing occupants.

The main transmission routes of the disease were needle sharing by drug takers and sex, which account for 68.1% of the infections.

Beijing has been supporting campaigns to instruct citizens on stopping diseases.

Additionally, necessary urine examinations are likely to be followed to keep drug addicts clean that is a part of a operation, running till the end of the year, to end the spread of illegal drugs in the town

The municipal drug control committee has declared that those who test positive will be ordered to ask for cure at community-based rehabilitation centers, and allotted to a social worker who will check their growth in kicking their habits.
