Autism linked to creative thinking
It is thought that those suffering from autism display limited behavior. However, according to a new study, autism could lead to highly creative ideas. According to reports, those having autism are also more eager to come up with new ideas.
Researchers from the University of Stirling and the University of East Anglia gave some creativity tests to 312 people and 75 out of them were having autism spectrum disorder. The participants who were having autistic traits gave fewer answers, when they were given the test problems; however, their answers were found to be very creative and unique.
According to study co-author Catherine Best from the University of Stirling, "We speculate that it may be because they are approaching things very differently. It goes a way towards explaining how some people with what is often characterized as a disability exhibit superior creative talents in some domains".
As per reports, the researchers also tested the participants for divergent thinking. They gave some tasks to participants that included giving maximum interpretations of an abstract picture in a minute and listing potential uses for common things like a brick or a paper clip. The most unique ideas were given by the participants who were having autistic traits.
According to study co-author Martin Doherty from the University of East Anglia, those having autistic traits come up with creativeideasin different way. In place of thinking about the more common ideas, they come up with the less common solutions.