Apple Peel and Green Tomatoes can significantly reduce Muscle Weakness in old age

Researchers from the University of Iowa have found that a substance found in both apple peel and green tomatoes can significantly reduce muscle weakness in old age. The researchers want to improve quality of living in old age by knowing how to control muscle depletion.

The findings may help to come up with new therapies that target pensioners and elderly and keep them fit and active. Study's senior author Christopher Adams, professor of internal medicine at the university, explained that loss of muscle protein synthesis, strength, and mass takes place due to a protein known as ATF4.

It is a transcription component that changes gene expression in skeletal muscles. The component is present in green tomatoes as well as in apples. In apples, ursolic acid and tomatidineare present, which significantly reduce muscle weakness in mice in old age.

In the experiment, the mice with age-related muscle weakness and atrophy were given diets that either had 0.27% of ursolic acid or 0.05% tomatidine for two months. The researchers noticed a rise in muscle mass by 10% and mass quality also improved by 30%.

Adam said, "Based on these results, ursolic acid and tomatidine appear to have a lot of potential as tools for dealing with muscle weakness and atrophy during aging. By reducing ATF4 activity, ursolic acid and tomatidine allow skeletal muscle to recover from effects of aging".