Anti-smoking charity calls for ban on smoking in playgrounds in Wales

Anti-smoking charity calls for ban on smoking in playgrounds in WalesAn anti-smoking charity, Ash has urged the councils to implement a ban on smoking in playgrounds across Wales in order to protect children from second-hand smoke and prevent them from getting hooked to the habit.

The charity pointed out that only two councils, Powys and Caerphilly have implemented the ban on smoking in playgrounds. The remaining twenty councils have not announced the ban, according to survey results released on the fifth anniversary of a law against lighting up in enclosed places.

The government had said last year that it would work with local councils to create smoke free play areas in Wales.

Ash chief executive Elen de Lacy said that all the councils in Wales are permitted to implement a ban on smoking in playgrounds and the charity wants them to announce the ban soon to create better conditions at playgrounds without smoke.

The Caerphilly council has announced the ban on smoking in about one hundred playgrounds after a campaign led by young people in the area. No-smoking signs, which were designed by school children, were put to inform people of the ban.

"We know that children are at particular risk from second-hand smoke and that they are more likely to start smoking themselves if they see adults doing it in a family-friendly environment. It is vital that we de-normalise smoking to reduce the rates of young people taking it up and also reduce their exposure to smoke in areas that they gather," said de Lacy.