Americans aged 55 and older have better wellbeing than younger Adults

A new report has found that American adults aged above 55 years rank better on the scale of well-being in comparison to rest of the population. The researchers said the ones aged 75 years are doing the best in terms of well-being.

Interviews of around 173,000 individuals from 50 states were taken and out of them, 91,000 were aged 55 or above. The data from the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index was used. The researchers said that elderly

Americans scored more in financial wellbeing and 52% are thriving and 32% among those who are younger than 55.

The report has unveiled that 81% of adults aged 75 and above are quite happy in the company of friends and family and get positives vibes from them in comparison to 76% of those under-55 age group. The researchers have defined wellbeing in five measures including sense of purpose, social life, financial situation, community, and physical health.

Joy Powell, Market President at Healthways was of the view, “Our research shows that older Americans who are thriving in well-being exercise far more, have less depression and have lower rates of obesity and chronic illness”.

As per the researchers, wellbeing of elderly Americans is an important way to have an idea of their life expectancy. One of the main findings is people aged 55 or older have higher wellbeing than each state’s population as a whole.