Al-Qaeda’s second man in command Zawahri resurfaces in latest video

Al-Qaeda’s second man in command Zawahri resurfaces in latest videoIslamabad, Sep. 23 : Al-Qaeda has released a latest video apparently marking the eight anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks on the US.

The video shows Al-Qaeda’s second man in command Ayman al-Zawahri along with other top militant leaders speaking about various topics including the global financial crisis and Barack Obama’s election, a US based monitoring group SITE said.

The 106 minute long video has been posted on websites often used by Qaeda supporters, The Nation reports.

The latest video comes days after Osama bin Laden warned the Americans over the Obama Administration’s close ties with Israel in a new audio tape.

Laden’s message titled ‘A statement to the American people’ was about 11 minutes long.

Analysts believe that Zawahri’s latest video has been delayed by nearly two weeks after the 9/11’s anniversary, as Al-Qaeda is now finding it difficult to operate and carry out its terror activities. (ANI)