Alli sold to slim women despite training to pharmacists

AlliSurvey conducted by Which? Magazine indicated that despite the training given to the pharmacists, Alli -also known as Orlistat is being sold to women who do not need it.

Alli is recommended only for the people with a body mass index (BMI) of 28 or more after consultation with a pharmacist. But during survey it was found that Alli was sold to a woman with BMI of 20 as well.

Alli helps in weight loss by blocking absorption of fat from food into the body however this pill can only benefit those who are already take a healthy diet and do regular exercise.

Seven undercover researchers were sent by Which? on a total of 32 visits to buy Alli in England, Wales and Northern Ireland in May. Later the visits were analyzed by the two experts.

Data analysis indicated that on four occasions slim women were able to buy it whereas in other three occasions women qualifying for the pill were not given the pill. The only good point highlighted by this survey was that the researchers were asked all key safety questions about medical history on all occasions except one.

Editor Martyn Hocking said: "Which? has regularly challenged poor practice in pharmacies and we are pleased the RPSGB is planning its own mystery shopping - incorporating feedback and training to pharmacies from the end of 2009."