Al-Arabiya channel's website changes domain after being hacked

Al-Arabiya channel's website changes domain after being hacked Dubai - Dubai-based Al-Arabiya news channel was forced to change it's domain to www. alarabiya. tv on Friday after its main page was hacked.

Hackers accusing the Saudi-owned TV of being pro-Sunni shut down the channel's news website in a cyber attack, claiming to be in retaliation for the recent attacks on Shiite websites.

A warning message saying: "if attacks on Shiite websites continue, none of your websites will be safe," was displayed on the front page of the site.

The website has been moved and an investigation is currently underway to identify those responsible.

Al-Arabiya said the hackers control only the domain (www. alarabiya. net), but had no access to the content of the website.

In the past few months, Sunni-Shiite hacking war had disabled around 900 websites. (dpa)