Afghanistan not in danger of falling to Taliban: Obama adviser

Barack Obama, James JonesWashington, Oct 5 : President Barack Obama's National Security Adviser James Jones sees no immediate danger of Afghanistan falling to the Taliban.

"I don't foresee the return of the Taliban," Jones said on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday. "And I want to be very clear that Afghanistan is not in danger - imminent danger
- of falling."

President Obama is overseeing a review of US strategy in Afghanistan, with his top general in that country, some other military leaders and opposition Republicans pressing him to act quickly to increase the present 68,000-troop level by up to 40,000 troops.

"This is a strategic moment," Jones, a retired Marine Corps general, said of the review that included a three-hour meeting of top cabinet officials, generals and other advisers last week. Additional meetings are planned for the coming week.

Gen Stanley McChrystal, who took over as the top US commander in Afghanistan four months ago, has submitted an assessment in which he reportedly says he needs additional forces to successfully carry out the counter-insurgency strategy.

Otherwise, McChrystal reportedly warns, the mission could fail, bringing the Taliban back to power.

On the CNN programme, Jones cited three developments since March that led the White House to reconsider its overall Afghanistan strategy: questions about the legitimacy of President Hamid Karzai's election victory; the conclusion by McChrystal that the Taliban is stronger than previously thought; and neighbouring Pakistan's improved efforts to change the overall dynamic of the border region.

"The key in Afghanistan is to have a triad of things happen simultaneously," Jones said, listing improved security, economic development and "good governance and the rule of law."

Some in Obama's inner circle, including Vice President Joe Biden, are advocating a counter-terrorism approach that focuses on combating Al Qaeda through the use of unmanned drones and special forces without involving additional troops, CNN noted.

Others, especially McChrystal, are advocating a broader counter-insurgency approach that would require a much larger US military footprint in the country.

"In the coming weeks, we will have vigorous debates. There will be alternative views presented and I'm quite sure we'll come up with the right solution," Jones said.(IANS)