The ABC of po(l)litics:M for madrassas

The government has started doling out sops to woo voters, though elections are a distance away. In a move to appease minorities (read Muslims), Arjun Singh, human resource development minister, announced on Thursday the government will bear the cost of education of children who opt for modern subjects in madra-ssas and maktabs.

The children will be evaluated through the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) at standards 5, 8, 10 and 12 and will be provided certificates at every level. The government feels it will help bring them into the mainstream and allow them to go in for higher education, besides improving their employment pros-pects. Singh launched the Scheme to Provide Quality Education in Madrasas (SPQEM) through NIOS, by distributing free study material to students of madrassas (Islamic religious schools) and maktabs (elementary schools).

NCERT books and NIOS study material has been translated into Urdu. The centre will pay for the appointment of teachers for modern subjects, including computers, and for purchase of science/math kits. The scheme will provide vocational training for madrassa-going children over 14 years to enhance opportunities in the job market and encourage entrepreneurship. All madrasas that opt to be covered by the distance education mode and avail of the government grant will have to be accredited with the NIOS.

"The scheme will bring madrassas and maktabs into the mainstream of the national education system," Singh said.

Vineeta Pandey/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication

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