475 MJ fans attempt world record dancing together to ‘Thriller’ in Leicester
London, August 30 : A group of Michael Jackson fans in Leicester attempted a world record for the most number of people dancing to the singer’s ‘Thriller’ in one place on his 51st birthday.
Some 475 people dressed as zombies packed into Orton Square participate in the event.
The current record is held by 242 dancers, who performed in Virginia in April this year.
"We wanted to celebrate his life and show people what an inspiration he is," Sky News quoted Anand Bhatt, 29, the organiser of the attempt, as saying.
The mass dance was planned in April, two months before Michael Jackson died on June 25.
"His death just made us more determined to do this properly. With it being his birthday, it''s a fitting tribute," said a woman participant.
Her sister added: "The mood has been vibrant throughout. I think it''s nicer today to do something positive, rather that dwelling on the circumstances surrounding his death."
Adam, 10, said: "Michael Jackson''s my hero. I wish I could dance like him."
While most dancers learnt the routine during free lessons at dance studios around Leicester, others practised the moves using tutorial videos posted online.
Although the even ran smoothly, its organisers are still waiting an official declaration from a Guinness World Record representative that the new record has been made. (ANI)