2015-16 Flu Season: Dallas County Baby becomes First in Texas to Die from Flu

This flu season has taken one life in Texas’ Dallas County, announced Dallas County Health and Human Services. According to the agency, a 2-month-old baby became the first victim of the influenza in Texas this season.

Officials at the Dallas County Health and Human Services reported the death on Thursday, but didn’t reveal any detail due to privacy reasons. The baby wasn’t able to get the annual flu vaccine because only an individual over six months can receive it, as per public health officials.

So far, across the United States, 20 pediatric influenza deaths have been reported in the 2015-16 flu season.

Texas, Houston and some other US states witnessed a slow start for this year’s flu season. It picked up last month, but still, the season sickened less people than previous seasons. Last week, both, Texas and Houston, reported decreased activity.

In a recent statement, the Texas health department stated that it will be early to announce that flu activity has peaked for this season. It also said that people who have not received flu vaccine yet should get it as soon as possible.

In the last five years, the flu has killed more than 70 children in the Texas alone. Health experts said those children could have been saved if they received their annual flu shot. As per the CDC, the flu shot is the only way to prevent the influenza.

A person who receives flu vaccine not only protects himself, but also stops the spread of the disease. The CDC recommends that people should not miss their flu shot in order to stay safe. A vaccine shot annually ensures peak protection, and prevents a person from the deadly virus, said the federal agency.