Windows 7 is the fastest selling Operating System, Says Microsoft

Windows-7-LogoMicrosoft has confirmed that its latest Windows 7 is fastest selling operating System in the history. The software major has sold around 90 million copies of the product till now.

Microsoft's chief financial officer Peter Klein has informed that this is the fastest selling figure for operating system software so far as the PC industry is concerned. According to him, the selling figure was fantastic and momentum of sales was equally terrific.

Klein has said that several collaborating hardware partners and their innovations have contributed a lot in this mammoth achievement. PCs and laptops from Microsoft partners including Dell, Sony, and Hewlett-Packard have produced a huge demand for the product in the market, which has pushed the sales up.

Klein has also revealed that enterprises are going to upgrade their PCs; hence there will be a further increase in the demand for the software.

The Windows 7 operating System was introduced by Microsoft in the month of October last year. Later the OS users find Windows 7, the friendliest software than Windows Vista and XP.