Wikimedia gets $2 million funding from Google

Wikimedia-Google-LogoIt must be a reason to cheer as the happiest man on earth would be Mr. Jimmy Wales. The buzz is that he recently received a donation of $2million from Google Inc.

It is believed that Google Inc. has supported the Wikipedia site to enhance the future ventures in order to deliver a better performance relating to its encyclopedias and its study projects.

Wikimedia Foundation the owner of Wikipedia, a volunteer-driven reference tool which has come up as one of the Web's most preached site for study references.

It is already rich by $8 million through contribution of thousands of people and members across the world. And the news of enlargement of the pocket size of the non-profit organization was confirmed via the micro-blogging site Twitter.

Google co-founder Sergey Bin, commented in a statement, and termed Wikipedia as "one of the greatest triumphs of the Internet he further stated that this vast repository of community-generated content is an invaluable resource to anyone who is online."

Wikipedia plans to direct the money on tech projects which not only aims for bandwidth and multimedia needs. It comes as a relief when the traffic is increasing from Europe and US.