Watched Eta Aquarid meteor shower?

Watched Eta Aquarid meteor shower?It’s heavenly treat to watch the annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower produced by Halley's Comet. It could be watched with naked eye on the peak time of the activity on Wednesday, May 6, however the night was little cloudy.

The Planetary Society has reported that the Eta Aquarid meteor shower could be visible until May 10. According to the Planetary Society, the best time to watch eta Aquarid meteor shower is between 3 am and minutes before sunrise.

According to society secretary N Raghunandan Kumar, the people who intend to watch the eta Aquarid meteor shower have to look towards south-east direction to find the constellation Aquarius in the morning sky. The meteor shower is best visible in the pre-dawn hours away from the glow of city lights.

The annual Eta Aquarid meteor shower is usually visible from late April to early May each year. The rate of the Eta Aquarid meteor shower is about 20 to 30 per hour. The meteor shower got its name because their radiant appears to lie in the constellation Aquarius, near one of the constellation's brightest stars, Eta Aquarii.

The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is not one of the most spectacular meteor showers, with a dozen meteors per hour. The meteor shower was was favorably viewable because it occurred near a new moon. Halley's Comet was last visible in 1986.