Want more energy: Drink beetroot juice
Nature is the main nutritionist for every living being. Almost every medicine can be produced by the help of natural stuffs. Disease starting from sneezing to cancer can be cured from natural elements. Building hood health, maintaining strength also possible with the help of naturally produced things like any fruit, vegetable or leaves. One of the burning examples is "beetroot".
This is a very tasty and colorful vegetable grown under the earth's surface. Human society is consuming this vegetable as a part of food in their daily meal. But it has some good medicinal value also. Juice of this root is very helpful in increasing body strength, stamina and power.
The juice of beet root contains nitrate which elevates body strength. If a person is consuming about half litre of fresh beetroot juice then his muscular strength increased and the nitrate presence will be doubled in blood. This will activate the body to intake less oxygen and body will not get exhausted. A study was conducted on the cyclist. The result shows that after drinking fresh beetroot juice, the cyclist could cycle for longer period without getting tired.