Vitamin C supplements provide same benefits as walk for obese people having heart problems
A new research has unveiled that vitamin C supplements provide same benefits as regular exercise to overweight people having heart problems. Therefore, one can rely on the supplements as well.
Lead researcher Caitlin Dow from the University of Colorado, Boulder, shared that they have carried out the study to know whether or not vitamin C supplements can lower endothelin-1 activity. It has been proved that exercise can reduce endothelin-1 activity, but doing regular exercise may be a difficult task for the obese.
In the study, 35 overweight people took part. Researchers assessed the effects of vitamin C and exercise on the protein known as endothelin-1. Some of them were given vitamin C supplements and others were asked to do regular exercise.
In both the cases, vasoconstriction to endothelin-1 increased two times. “If we can improve different measures of risk for disease without changing weight, it takes a little bit of the pressure off some people […] It’s important to know what other lifestyle changes we can offer people who can’t exercise”, said Dow.
Researchers said physical workout is better for metabolism function, but those unable to go for walk can take daily dose of vitamin C, which will act as a health option.
It shall, however, be noted that taking too much of vitamin C can cause problems like diarrhea, nausea and stomach cramps. The researchers advised adults should not take more than 2,000 mg of it every day.