Use simple language, correct grammar in English paper
The paper of English is as important as of other subjects. Students need to take it seriously and keep in mind that a good score in this subject will help them in future.
Section A of the paper has questions based on comprehension and note making.
In comprehension, students should read the passage quickly, focus on the main ideas and their sequence. Thereafter, they should locate the answers of the questions in the passage. Students should restrain from copying the answers verbatim from the passage.
In note-making subsection, students should give a suitable title to the notes after understanding the theme of the passage. They should organise the common ideas into main points and sub-points. It is good to use phrases and clauses, instead of complete sentences to write the points. Students can also use abbreviations in their points. They should write the summary focusing on the notes only (and not the passage).
The section B of the paper aims at testing the writing skills of the students. In this section, students have to design advertisements, posters and write notices, formal of informal invitations, letters and reports etc.
Students should use suitable formats or layouts while attempting this section.
They should keep their presentations neat and visually attractive. They can use different font sizes and underline important points to highlight them.
Students should pay special attention to the content like main ideas, their sequence or logical order, arrangement of paragraphs, lines and points.
In English paper, it pays to use topic-appropriate words, accurate expressions, phrases, slogans, punch-lines, proverbs, quotations and simple language with correct grammar and syntax.
In the literature section, students will have no problem with short and essay type questions if they study detailed summaries of the lessons.
All the best!
Joel J D’Souza/ DNA-Daily News & Analysis Source: 3D Syndication