US accepted Pak view in new Afghan strategy: Gilani

US accepted Pak view in new Afghan strategy: GilaniKarachi, Mar. 28: Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, while welcoming the US’ revamped Afghan strategy has said that the Obama Administration had accepted its stand.

Talking to media persons on the sidelines of an award function here, Gilani said the new strategy confirms that the United States has accepted its stance that only a hand full of people are involved in terror activities, and that the whole country was not under the influence of such insurgents.

“President Obama has admitted that few elements are spreading terrorism in the region,” The Nation quoted Gilani, as saying.

Gilani said it would be wrong to charge the tribal people for supporting extremism in the region.

“Nobody should have any doubt in the loyalty of tribal people with the country,” he added.

Gilani said that the issue should be solved through talks and dialogue, as military action would only aggravate the matter.

Gilani, however, refused to comment on the US drone attacks inside Pakistan’s territory.

“The quarters, churning out such propaganda, were themselves contradicting it,” he said.

President Asif Ali Zardari also welcomed the new US strategy, and hoped that it would improve ties between both the countries.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi also commended US President Barack Obama for his ‘regional approach’ in the new policy.

“I think the Obama administration’s approach is a very positive approach. They are looking towards a regional approach to the situation,” Qureshi said. (ANI)
