Turkish Airlines Chief offers Round-Trip Ticket for Little Girl who will Soon Lose her Sight
Tuncay Eminoglu, Chief of Turkish Airlines, was moved after hearing the story of a five-year-old girl from Ohio who is gradually losing her eyesight and hearing ability due to type II Usher Syndrome. Her parents have created a visual bucket list. Eminoglu has offered the family return-tickets to any part of the world and they have chosen Rome.
Parents of Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Myers have made a list of places, which their daughter must see before the rare genetic disorder fully grips her. After hearing Elizabeth's story, the airlines has offered round-trip tickets to place in the world to the family who is from Bellville, Ohio. Eminoglu was of the view that offering round-trip ticket was a way to help a little girl who may not get chance to the world.
Lizzy's father, Steve Myers, 42, was of the view, "My wife's family is Italian, and we're Catholic, so Rome was kind of the obvious choice for us. We both felt Lizzy would enjoy seeing the artwork and the statues, and possibly seeing where my wife's family is from, which is south of Rome".
The family has five to seven more years with them before Lizzy stop seeing things, especially during night. The family has been planning a road trip to show some natural wonders of America including Yellowstone National Park, Yosemite and the Grand Canyon, to Lizzy.