Touch-screen market to nearly double in 2010

Touch-Screen-MobilesThe market for touch-screen mobiles is expected to get nearly doubled in the year 2010.

As per the research done by the research firm Gartner, the number of touch-screen mobiles will become 362.7 million, which is 96.8 per cent rise over the existing market.

The study also expects that the touch-screen mobile devices will hold 58 per cent of the whole mobile device market by 2013.

Said Roberta Cozza, Principal Research Analyst, Gartner that the touch-screens are no more part of the high-end device market. Many mid-range mobile phones are also providing such services. They have become affordable as the companies try to attract more consumers to use them.     

He further added that the demand rise was because of the fact that the consumers are becoming aware of the latest technology and want to use them.

The study also said that the touch-screen technology will continue to be the focus of the mobile making companies throughout the year.

Gartner study also said that the capacitive touch technology used by iPhone is the best one that is available.

Clearly, this new trend is here to stay.