Telecom sector estimated to fetch Rs 13,000 crore to Government of India treasury
The telecom sector of India is estimated to fetch as much as Rs 13,000 crore to the government treasury for the fiscal year 2008-09. The whopping revenue of Rs 13,000 crore is expected to come in form of licence fees and spectrum charges.
The telecom operators of India are expected to collect Rs 1.25 lakh crore as revenues during the fiscal year 2008-09. The adjusted gross revenue is expected to be Rs 95,000 crore, and the Department of Telecom (DoT) is expected to gain 12% share of this amount that is roughly Rs 13,000 crore.
The DoT’s 12 % share will include licence renewal fee in the range of 6-10 % as well as annual spectrum charges. The whacking amount of Rs 13,000 crore is going to be one of the highest contributions to the Government treasury, from any sector to the government. It is going to be the second only to the contribution from tax. Certainly, the government is going to gain a lot through the spectrum auctioning of 3G and WiMAX services.