Health News

Beta-Blockers Increase Stroke, Death Risk

Beta-Blockers Increase Stroke, Death Risk  Patients who are taking beta-blockers before and at the time of undergoing non-cardiac surgery appears to have the highest risk of heart attack and death within a month of their surgery, a new research reveals.

“Prevention of these perioperative [around the time of surgery] cardiac complications continues to be the goal of intense research and investigations,” quote the author

US People Become ‘Carborexics’- Obsessive About Environment

A new survey reveals that the people of US become obsessed with their carbon footprints. Their extreme environmental awareness may create a generation of “carborexics”, warns Psychiatrists in US.

According to a new survey 7% of Americans qualify as ‘dark green’ and become hard core recyclers. The New York Times report describe their lifestyles that might considered as ‘carborexic’.

Sun-Damaged Skin Can Be Improved By Laser Treatment

Sun-Damaged Skin Can Be Improved By Laser Treatment According to the US researchers, sun-damaged skin can be improved by laser treatment. In this treatment a topical solution increases the skin’s sensitivity to light, and can improve the sun burnt skin.

Researchers at the University Of Michigan Health System Department Of Dermatology said that the worst damaged skin may also respond very well in this treatment.

UN: World is well prepared to fight large scale avian flu outbreak

UN: World is well prepared to fight large scale avian flu outbreak New York - The world is well prepared to beat back any major influenza pandemic with 148 countries having made contingency plans to deal with the disease, the United Nations and the World Bank said Tuesday.

"Considering that pandemic preparedness was largely unaddressed by the world's nations three years ago, the widespread awareness and action seen today is a major achievement," said David Nabarro, the UN system influenza coordinator.

Bacteria in human gut can influence obesity level

According to a new research, there is a link between obesity and some kind of bacteria in human gut. As bacteria support digestion in human gut but some kind of bacteria can influence the obesity level. Person with obese bacteria might gain more weight.

Researchers found in their study that a molecule named as Gpr41, activated by two types of bacteria helps in slow down the movement of food through the gut. In this process human body absorb more nutrients or calories from food and gain weight.

The study was based on mice and it showed that those bred without Gpr41 were slimmer than others although they fed the same quantity of food. The study also points the way to a possible method of controlling weight, said the researchers.

20th century the ‘age of paranoia’

According to a leading psychiatrist, 20th century is look like the ‘age of paranoia’. These days general public feels threatened. Paranoia is more common among them because of media and the threat of terrorism.  

Dr Daniel Freeman, from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London, believes, one in four people regularly suffer irrational fears of being threatened or in danger. “These days, we daren't let our children play outside; we're suspicious of strangers; security cameras are everywhere. We seem to have entered an age of paranoia. And the indications are that things may only get worse,” he claims.
