Health News

Sperm-binding proteins’ cloning brings new infertility treatments closer to reality

Washington, March 18: Scientists at the University of Montreal and Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Research Center may have reached a step closer to realising novel treatments for infertility, for thy have for the first time cloned important sperm-binding proteins.

The researchers say that their success in producing and purifying a protein key to sperm maturation, termed Binder of Sperm (BSP), may have implications for both fertility treatments and new methods of male contraception.

HPV-vaccine may even help reduce number of pre-term births

HPV-vaccine may even help reduce number of pre-term birthsWashington, Mar 18 : Calculating the benefits of HPV (human papilloma virus)-vaccination, Norwegian scientists have found that it may even reduce the number of pre-term births.

Chronic HPV -infections can lead to cellular changes in the cervix that can be a pre-stage to cervical cancer.

Surgical treatment of these pre-stages gives an increased risk of pre-term birth in subsequent pregnancies.

And as the HPV-vaccine can prevent pre-stages of cervical, it can even prevent pre-term births.

Even mild obesity can reduce life expectancy

Even mild obesity can reduce life expectancyLondon, Mar 18 : While it is said that being severely overweight reduces life expectancy, a new study has found that even mild obesity can take years off one's life.

The study has found that if a person is moderately overweight, he/she will probably live two to four years less than if they stick to their ideal weight.

A research team, led by Richard Peto and Gary Whitlock of the Clinical Trial Service Unit at the University of Oxford, pulled together data from 57 studies.

No clear link between lack of vitamin D and depression

No clear link between lack of vitamin D and depressionWashington, Mar 18: A new study by researchers at the University of Warwick has shown that there is no clear link between lack of vitamin D and depression.

Lack of Vitamin D has been related to depression and the symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).

Exposure to sunlight stimulates vitamin D in the skin and a shortage of sunlight in the winter has been put forward as one possible cause of SAD.

Curing Alzheimer''s disease would need combination therapy

Curing Alzheimer''s disease would need combination therapyWashington, March 18 : Researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine say that a potential cure for Alzheimer''s disease may require a combination therapy, which will target the malformations of the proteins that characterise this condition.

Alzheimer''s disease is characterized by two distinctive protein malformations: amyloid plaques, which are sticky deposits made up of a short protein called amyloid beta, and tau tangles, which are made of short filaments of the tau protein.

Now, ‘DNA patches'' to treat canine form of muscular dystrophy

Now, ‘DNA patches'' to treat canine form of muscular dystrophyWashington, Mar 17 : Researchers have developed a new technique in which DNA patches are used to treat dogs with the canine version of Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a paralysing and often fatal disease of muscles.

Called "exon skipping", the technique uses tailor-made snippets of DNA-like molecules as molecular "patches", which cover up mutant DNA sequences that code for making an important muscle protein.
