Survey shows over 2% US Kids Have Been Diagnosed with Autism

It has been known that a high number of cases where kids are diagnosed with autism come forward every year. Now a recent survey has shown that more than 2% of the US kids have been diagnosed with autism in 2014.

Researchers, after analyzing the data of the survey, said that so far, it is the most accurate estimate on autism. They also said that the latest survey was done in a new way in which parents were asked about their kids and any diagnosis of autism.

Lead author Benjamin Zablotsky, an epidemiologist at the National Center for Health Statistics, said, "One in 45 is the most accurate parental report of autism to date. I think this report found that the way we ask parents about autism spectrum disorder can have an impact on the way the parents respond to the question".

Zablotsky and his team collected data after conducting detailed surveys of 35,000 US households. Parents of kids, between the age of three and 17, were asked specifically if their child had ever received a diagnosis of autism.

The researchers said the estimated prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on 2014 data was 2.24%, which has increased significantly from the estimated annualized prevalence of 1.25% based on 2011-2013 data.

In the report published on Friday, the team wrote that the estimate prevalence of other developmental disorders dropped significantly from 4.84% based on 2011-2013 data to 3.57% based on 2014 data.