Study shows Happiness is on Decline in Individuals Over 30
People start feeling unhappy when they turn 30. A new study has found that adults over the age of 30 years are not as happy as they used to be, which means their happiness vanishes after being 30. The study also found young people and teens happier than ever.
As per a report of CBS News, researchers from the US found that in last five years, the age advantage for happiness in previous research disappeared. The new study didn’t find link between age and happiness among adult individuals. According to the study, adults between the age of 18 to 29 are happier than those older than 30.
Jean Twenge, a professor from the San Diego State University and lead author of the study, said before the study, it was supposed that happiness comes with age. It was shocking to find that it isn’t true, she added while talking to CBS News.
To conduct the study, the researchers used data gathered by four nationally representative samples. The samples were taken from 1972 to 2014. About 1.3 Americans ages 13 to 96 were documented in those samples, as per The New York Daily News.
After analyzing the data, the researchers found that about 38% of people older than 30 admitted that they were ‘very happy’ in the early 1970s. The figures have fallen to 32% in the 2010s, as per the study. About 28% young people ages 18 to 29 said they were ‘very happy’ in 1970s, which surged to 30% in the 2010s, the study reported.