Stress and divorce can add wrinkles to your face
Recent research revealed that environmental factors such as divorce, use of anti depressants can make one looked aged. Hence wrinkles are not only result of age but also result of kind of environment one lives in. Happy and satisfied life could be the key to look younger forever.
Bahaman Guyuron of University Hospitals Case Medical Center and collogues studied data collected from 186 pairs of identical twins as these pairs are genetically programmed to age exactly the same.
Data analysis showed that twins who were married, widowed or single looked two years younger that their identical siblings who had been divorced. Findings indicated that use of antidepressant use and weight gain played a major factor in older appearance. Data showed that in sets of twins younger than 40, the heavier twin looked older whereas in sets of twins more than 40 years old, the heavier twin looked younger.
Bahaman Guyuron said: "A person's heritage may initially dictate how they age -- but if you introduce certain factors into your life, you will certainly age faster. Likewise, if you avoid those factors, you can slow down the hands of time."