Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Not Much To Look Up To!

Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Not Much To Look Up To!Star Wars: The Clone Wars seems to complete the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle connecting the events that took place between Episode II: Attack of the Clones and Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. The film aims to create a meaningful sequence narrating a story that was untold.

Clone Wars is akin to a video game experience with battles taking place, plots being hatched and a storyline that hardly leaves an impact. On a mission where Anakin Skywalker and his pupil Ashoka must release the kidnapped Jabba the Hutt’s infant, they find themselves stuck in a larger controversy where Jabba’s kidnapping will pave way for the Separatists to gain access to the Galactic routes.

The Clone Wars is the first movie from Lucasfilm Animation studio and includes the voices of Christopher Lee as Count Dooku and Samuel L Jackson as Mace Windu. Though there are some interesting scenes that ‘Star War buffs’ can look upto but on the whole it leaves much of a disappointment for the viewers.