Spanish police smash tainted shellfish black market

Spain's gastronomy revolution turns food into artMadrid - Spanish police have broken up a gang trading tainted shellfish on Spain's black market.

Eight suspects were arrested, one of them the owner of a popular and decorated restaurant in Santiago de Compostela.

Four fishermen have been taken into custody.

According to media reports on Tuesday, they were fishing scallops in north-west Spain's Ferrol Bay.

Since 1995, fishing has been prohibited in the area because of water contamination.

The shellfish in the bay is contaminated with a toxic substance which can cause memory loss if consumed in larger quantities.

The restaurant owner, who is well-known in the Galicia region for a TV show, was caught selling contaminated shellfish on her premises, the sources added.

The woman's restaurant is frequented by politicians and celebrities and has been awarded a Michelin star.

After the investigating judge had questioned her, the suspect was released on special conditions. (dpa)
